Add Yourself

Awakening Female Fighters

Add yourself

Global Female Martial Artists Register

Add yourself to the Awakening Fighters Database. I want to catalogue as much of female martial arts history as I can to help inspire the next generation of budding athletes. Whether you are competing or not, active or retired, what ever disciplines you train in and whether you are amateur, semi-professional or professional - become a part of inspiring females across the globe, add yourself to the database!

Before you begin, please do a search in the female fighter database to see if you are already listed, and what state your profile is in.  Filling in the Awakening Profile Questionnaire is open for athletes with or without a profile.

Awakening Fighter Questionnaire

Here is the Awakening Profile Questionnaire, clicking the link will open the questionnaire in your browser. Depending on how much information you supply, it takes between 20 minutes to an hour to complete. So grab yourself a coffee, get comfy and then delve into your memories so I can get your profile representing you perfectly!

If you have any problems, or wish to send in photos, you should feel free to contact me at with the subject line Profile Questionnaire.

Why are these profiles important?

By creating a profile on the Awakening website you will be doing two important things:

1. Increasing your own web presence
2. Increasing the power and momentum of the Awakening message. Effectively you are becoming part of a movement to inspire future generations across the world.

Please note:
I get a lot of submissions and entering your data is not an automated process, each submission is dealt with personally. I aim to respond as soon as possible, time zone differences may cause some people to wait longer than others - and there is always a backlog. We have been getting reports from some people that our emails have been appearing in peoples Junk Mail folders, be sure to check in there.