Chantel Green | Muay Thai | Awakening Fighters

Chantel Green (Jones)
Awakening Ally

Muay Thai Professional

Chantel Green (Jones) fight stats

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Muay Thai 1 (T)KO

Chantel Green (Jones) fight records

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Muay Thai


Rating: 9.7/10. From 6 votes.
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Chantel Green (Jones) personal details

First Name Chantel
Last Name Green
Birth Name Chantel Green
Age -
Date of Birth
Born Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia
Residence Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia
Status Active
Nationality Australian
Weight class
Weight range 107 - 109lbs / 49 - 49kg
Preferred 108lbs / 49kg
Height 5ft 6in / 167cm
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Chantel Green (Jones) martial arts details

Muay Thai Professional / Instructor

Chantel Green (Jones) fight history

L Kaitlyn Vance TKO (Cut by Elbow) Muay Thai† 10/11/15 Epic Fight Promotions 14: Tough, Perth, Western Australia, Australia L
..... R4 ………………… WMC Western Australia State title 49kg
L Suthida Upala ………………………………… Muay Thai 03/28/15 Epic Fight Promotions 13: Fierce, Perth, Western Australia, Australia L
..... ..... ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Alice Weinthal Points Muay Thai 06/29/14 Epic Fight Promotions 11: Brave L
..... ..... ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Chantel Green’s Bio

Chantel Green is a female muay thai fighter from Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia.

Personal Life

Chantel is also a mother to a daughter and a son.

She has previously fought and coached under the name Chantel Jones.


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