Hannah Grable
MMA Amateur
Hannah Grable personal details
First Name | Hannah |
Last Name | Grable |
Nickname/s | |
Birth Name | - |
Age | - |
Date of Birth | |
Born | - |
Residence | Pittsfield, Pennsylvania, United States |
Status | Active |
Nationality | American |
Weight class | Flyweight |
Weight range | - lbs / - kg |
Preferred | - |
Height | - |
Reach | - |
Hannah Grable martial arts details
MMA | Amateur - |
Muay Thai | Practitioner - |
Hannah Grable fight history
Donalea Maloney | Majority Decision | Muay Thai | 05/31/14 | Rise of Champions, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, United States | |||||||
..... | R3 | ………………… | …………………………………………………………………………………….. | ||||||||
Andrea Lee | Armbar | MMA | 04/26/14 | Gladius XI, Cortland, New York, United States | |||||||
2:21 | R1 | Amateur | …………………………………………………………………………………….. | ||||||||
Jolene Dennis | Armbar | MMA | 02/22/14 | NE Amateur MMA Qualifier, 441 Electronics Parkway, Liverpool, New York, 13088, United States | |||||||
2:45 | R1 | Amateur | …………………………………………………………………………………….. | ||||||||
Sarah Penfield | Unanimous Decision | Muay Thai | 05/11/13 | Thunder & Lightning, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, United States | |||||||
..... | R3 | ………………… | …………………………………………………………………………………….. |