Tina Brown | MMA | Awakening Fighters

Tina Brown
Awakening Ally
United States

MMA Amateur

Tina Brown fight stats

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MMA (Amateur) 1 Submission

Tina Brown fight records

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MMA (Amateur)


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Tina Brown personal details

First Name Tina
Last Name Brown
Birth Name Tina Brown
Age -
Date of Birth
Born United States
Residence Missouri, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class Flyweight
Weight range 121 - 131lbs / 55 - 59kg
Preferred 125lbs / 57kg
Height 5ft 4in / 162cm
Reach -

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Tina Brown martial arts details

MMA Amateur

Tina Brown fight history

L Savannah Shahan TKO (Referee Stoppage) MMA 06/18/16 Fight Hard MMA, Family Arena, St. Charles, Missouri, United States L
0:17 R1 / 3x3 Amateur Bantamweight • 135 lbs • Main Card
L Chantel Coates TKO (Punches) MMA 01/23/16 ShoFIGHT: RESOLUTION, Branson, Missouri, United States L
0:24 R1 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Shawna Tyler Majority Decision MMA 08/29/15 Cage of Honor 66, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States W
3:00 R3 / 3x3 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Kira Franke TKO (Punches) MMA 03/21/15 Prime FS 2: Chaos In The Cage, Affton, Missouri, United States W
2:07 R1 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Jessica Fletcher Guillotine Choke MMA 5/10/14 Brawl Inc.: Adrenaline Rush, Branson, Missouri, United States W
2:53 R1 Amateur ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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02 Jul 2016 | View Tina Brown's martial arts history as we discover it, we're researching so you don't have to. ▷ Female fight enthusiasts only!


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