Membership Comparison

Awakening Female Fighters

With so many options and new features we would understand if it all sounds a little confusing.  We've created this Membership Comparison Chart to help you decide which membership level best suits you.

We established a membership system to try and help cover our ever growing costs.

For more information head over to our Membership page.

The revenue we make from ads sadly doesn't come close to paying for the server costs alone. If you value Awakening and don't want to see us disappear please consider becoming a subscriber. Thanks for listening!

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Membership Comparison Chart

    Features Free  Free
$1.99p/m $3.49pm $5.99pm
   General Features  Free   Claimed*
Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 
Lose the annoying adverts.
- The site will load faster and you won't see any distracting advertisements.
× ×
Store Discount × ×  10% 20% 30%
- Get your query or email dealt with faster
   Community Features Free   Claimed*
Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
Create basic community profile.
- Give yourself a presence in the Awakening community
Interact on the Forum.
- Post and comment on other members posts
Join Groups.
- View and post in other members groups
Create & Join Groups.
- View and post in other members groups, or why not create your own
× ×
Upload space 5Mb 5Mb 50Mb 100Mb 200Mb
Choose your own forum title.
- Show the community how amazing you are for supporting us and add your own title for all to see
× × ×
Upload a forum signature.
- Upload your own signature to appear after everything you post in forums and groups
× × ×
Upload the full community profile.
- Give your profile a more social feel
- Prominent Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn links
- Choose flag. Appears above your bio section
- Timezone. Let other users know your timezone
- Martial Arts Details.
- Experience.
- Fight Record.
- Height.
- Weight.
- Gym Website. Increase your gym's google ranking by adding a hyperlink
- Industry Role. Choose up to 34 industry job titles to appear on your profile
- "Best Known For.." and "Bragging Rights" text fields. Just for fun text fields
- Four extra hyperlinks.
- Extra custom text field. Create your own text field and name it what you want
× × ×
Host documents on your community profile.
- Host downloadable documents for promoters, match-makers, sponsors or fans to get their hands on.
× × × ×
  Database Editing Capabilities Free   Claimed*
Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
Personal Detail section: 22 fields ×
Martial Arts Detail section: 19 fields ×
Social Network section: 5 fields ×
Quote section: 1 field ×
Bio section: Add biography, titles, awards and team details. × × ×
Video section: Embed a large video or playlist from youtube × × ×
Additional links section: Add links to relevant content such as interviews or fighter profiles. × × ×
Unique Profile Title
Add your own unique profile title to appear under your name. You can be sensible and use something like "MMA Professional", or you can inject your personality with something like "Beastmode"
× × × ×
Sponsors: Add a list of sponsors (without hyperlinks) × × ×
Show your sponsors love
If you have "claimed" an athlete profile you will be able to upload your sponsor's logo with hyperlinks to appear on your Awakening Fighter Profile. This is the kind of recognition and placement a sponsor will really appreciate. A simple placement like this could cost between $60-$100 on a typical website. A sponsor's logo will appear a little bit larger than the paypal buttons on this page.
× × × ×
  Free  Free
$1.99p/m $3.49pm $5.99pm
  Register Claim Profile Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe

*"Claimed" refers to an athlete, coach or parent that has Claimed their profile. This gains you basic editing capabilities and a Verified icon on your profile. Subscribers can also Claim a Profile. To find out more click the Claim Profile link above.

Membership Tiers

Free Account

Note: None of the membership levels allow the editing of fight records and fight histories. Visit the FAQ page to find answers to any questions.