Crystal Delgado | Boxing | Awakening Fighters

Crystal Delgado
Awakening Ally
United States

Boxing Professional

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Boxing 1 TKOs

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Rating: 9.6/10. From 9 votes.
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Crystal Delgado personal details

First Name Crystal
Last Name Delgado
Birth Name -
Age 34 
Date of Birth July 30, 1990
Born Houston, Texas, United States
Residence Houston, Texas, United States
Status Active
Nationality American
Weight class Bantamweight
Weight range 126.1 - 136lbs / 57 - 61kg
Preferred 135lbs / 61kg
Height 5ft 4in / 162cm
Reach -

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Boxing Professional

Crystal Delgado fight history

L Kimberly Connor Unanimous Decision Boxing 06/04/09 Civic Center, Humble, Texas, United States L
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
L Stacey Reile TKO Boxing 03/26/09 Humble Civic Center, Humble, Texas, United States L
0:23 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Michele Nielsen Unanimous Decision Boxing 01/15/09 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Houston, Texas, United States W
2:00 R6 / 6x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Caitlin Dance Majority Decision Boxing 09/06/08 Toyota Center, Houston, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Tammy Franks Unanimous Decision Boxing 7/9/08 Grand Plaza Hotel, Houston, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Candace Lett TKO Boxing 04/17/08 Grand Plaza Hotel, Houston, Texas, United States W
1:24 R1 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Lisa Marie Lozano Unanimous Decision Boxing 01/19/08 Silver Wings, El Campo, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Devin Crisi Knight Unanimous Decision Boxing 12/20/07 Convention Center, Pasadena, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Maria Rodriguez Unanimous Decision Boxing 11/29/07 Grand Plaza Hotel, Houston, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..
W Elizabeth Tavarez Majority Decision Boxing 08/17/07 Renaissance Worthington Hotel, Texas, United States W
2:00 R4 / 4x2 Pro ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Crystal Delgado Awakening Profile.

Crystal Delgado Boxing "Choo Choo", American female fighter. Includes Boxing stats, fight record, bio, martial arts history, photos, and more


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