Julie Kitchen Website Launched | Awakening Fighters

Julie Kitchen Website Launched

by Rew MitchellPosted on

Yesterday we posted the Julie Kitchen Story, all really in the hopes of wetting your appetites… because today at 4pm (GMT), we launch Julie's website!

Julie Kitchen Website Launched

It's so common these days for fighters to have WordPress websites built for them, we wanted to make Julie's website an exception. While there is nothing wrong with WordPress (our website is of course this very platform), they do all tend to have a similar look about them - especially those that have just used a generic template and had little design. The Julie Kitchen website is built from just code, code, code and more funky code - with that unique design flavour that Awakening is renowned for.

As the Queen of Muay Thai, and also now being a retired fighter, it was important for us to be a part in preserving her legacy - we believe such a website, along with the Julie Kitchen Awakening Profile will help do such a thing. While we're on the subject of preservation, has anyone else noticed that Wikipedia doesn’t have a Julie Kitchen page? How ridiculous.

We hope that you enjoy her new website, we have personally written and collated all the information on there… and we will add to it over time of course, as and when Julie provides us with stuff.

Official Julie Kitchen Website

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